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Smart Heating Voice Assistance: Alexa or Google?

Smart speakers have grown rapidly in popularity over the past few years, with these products quickly becoming a Smart Home Essential. They can control anything from Smart Plugs to household lights, but when it comes to Wiser‘s smart heating systems two brands stand out. Let’s compare Amazon’s Alexa to the Google Assistant range to showcase the effectiveness of both these devices.


How do they work?


Amazon’s Alexa speaker range includes products such as the Echo and Echo Dot, as well as devices like their Fire tablets and Fire TV Alexa remote. It can be activated with the wake word “Alexa” however this can be changed using Amazon’s settings app. You can find out How Alexa can be Connected your Smart Heating Controls Here



Google’s smart speaker range consists of its Nest and Nest Mini products, alongside its Home Hub system. The Google Assistant is implemented using phrases such as “Hey, Google” or “Ok, Google” and, unlike Alexa, there’s no option to change this. You can check out How to Set Up the Google Assistant with your Smart Thermostats Here for more information. 


Comparing Directly

Smart Heating Control Functionality

Alexa products can arguably control more devices due to Amazon owning other systems such as Ring. Meanwhile, the Google Assistant potential covers a better range of entertainment service controls, depending on what you already own. Both, however, have the same smart heating functionalities when it comes to Wiser. 


You can use either to change the heating settings of a Smart Thermostat, implement a Smart Mode, or ask queries such as “what’s the temperature in the living room?” Both can also control smart plugs so you can use your voice to activate devices that connected to these, such as the TV or a slow cooker.



Part of the reason that Amazon and Google have emerged as the dominant forces in the smart speaker market is the reliability of both of their voice assistants. Both activate instantly after issuing the wake word, recognise different voices, and both can sustain conversations if you have multiple questions or requests. 



Many users have concerns about privacy and what their smart speakers can record. Thankfully, both Alexa and Google have privacy settings that can be changed, so you can delete all your recording or opt-out of data storage options if you prefer. This means both go to similar lengths to ensure user peace of mind.



Again, both Google and Amazon offer a huge variety when it comes to voice assistant speakers and different prices. For those looking for an Affordable Smart Home Option, you can often pick up an Amazon Echo Dot or a Google Nest Mini for around £25. Thus, you can increase your smart heating control in an affordable way.

Overall, we believe both are excellent solutions when it comes to voice controls for smart thermostats and heating systems. So, either product might be for you depending on whatever else you’re planning to use your smart speaker for. You can see more on our smart features by checking out our Thermostat App, or our IFTTT Integration Options.